Today is the birthday of the kindest person I've ever known, my Mother! She just turned 56 and a few pounds heavier. Love you Ma. One of the attributes my mom possessed is her passion to cook and eat good food. lol Seriously, she's a very kind-hearted person that would always think of other people's welfare and last to think of herself. Most of the time, people abuse her kindness because she really doesn't complain. And no matter how many times we remind her to lessen her kindness, she still wont change. I guess, it's really part of her. And even on this very special day, she is the cook. I bought her flowers yesterday to grace the table. I wish I could give her more... For all the love and care you gave us, you're simply the best Ma! Love you Ma, Mwah!
Right Said Fred on my channel,
4 years ago
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